Sunday, October 14, 2007

What is a Brazilian Wax?

I was wondering exactly what it entails and how prevalent it is for women at various ages... I had a general idea what it was, something along the lines of a Bikini Wax, but more so, I figured.... Googled it and found out about as much as I would ever want or need to know. However, I did not go much further than the description.. should have looked at research on how common it is. This procedure, shall we call it, was suggested by a man friend a couple of years ago or should I say "boy"friend. For the record, he was only a year younger than me. Am I from the dark ages? Did I miss an important part of sexual/cultural awareness education or is this the norm now? If it is prevalent - why have I not heard more about it from my friends? What happened to feminism? I should have asked that guy if he would have hot wax poured on his "privates" and the hair ripped off from that entire lower part of the body. I am SORRY, but do women really do this on a regular basis? Please educate me about this. If I knew how to put a "meaningful" picture here, I would... Matty

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