Sunday, October 14, 2007

Best Bed Partner

I awoke at about 2 am the other day and noticed that my very sweet (most of the time) dog had his head on my pillow, MY PILLOW- not an extra pillow! It reminded me of a comment made just last week by a manfriend (briefly a lover)….anyway…Just last week we met for an infrequent lunch… he commented that his dogs weren’t allowed on his bed - I have no idea how/why that subject came up. Maybe it was right after he told me that he liked my hair blonde. I just completed a year’s exploration of my hair “roots”…. and when asked why his dogs weren’t allowed on his bed, he replied that it wouldn’t be good when he was a guest or had a guest. I let that one go by without a response - he knows the situation at my place. Do you think he was trying to say that’s why we aren’t sharing a bed!?! For most days of the year my 6 yr old puppy is the sweetest, kindest, affectionate and non-judgmental bed partner I could ever hope for. Yes, he does have a breath problem and he scratches a little, but I’m getting off easy….don’t you think? Matty


Carrie Wilson Link said...

And I bet your dog doesn't require you to have a Brazillian wax!!!!!

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

Getting off easy? NOOO! You're WAAAY ahead of the game. Lucky you!